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于洋 在艺搜查询

出生年份: 1986
籍    贯:









2016年  格物—阿莲娜•奥拉绣克、丁浩、于洋三人展,成当代艺术中心,北京

2016年  在路上雕塑邀请展,关山月美术馆,深圳

2016年  “复调”中国青年新锐雕塑家邀请展,中央美术学院陶溪川美术馆,景德镇

2016年  “渡口”中国青年当代雕塑与装置提名展,天津

2016年  “锐”青年艺术家联展,万国艺术馆,北京

2016年  第二次青年英才驻留计划“同道”展,中央美术学院美术馆,北京

2015年  曾竹韶雕塑艺术奖学金,中国雕塑博物馆,北京

2015年  艺术家,林大艺术中心,北京

2015年  中央美术学院驻留计划展,悦美术馆,北京

2015年  2015中央美术学院优秀毕业生作品展,中央美术学院美术馆,北京

2015年  山水田园·保利学院之星当代艺术展,时间博物馆,北京

2015年  37.5 - Zoomart当代艺术展,草场地“Zoomart"艺术馆,北京

2015年  新艺术运动,悦美术馆,北京

2014年   1<1 青年艺术家作品展,元典美术馆,北京

2014年  第三届造型艺术新人展,中国美术馆,北京

2014年  中国姿态 - 中国雕塑大展,上海        

2011年  天津美术学院优秀毕业创作展,天津

2011年  曾竹韶雕塑艺术奖学金,中国雕塑博物馆,北京

2011年  中外高校毕业生优秀雕塑作品展,国粹苑,北京

2009年  “飞翔主题展”,空客A320 基地,天津

2008年  天津美术学院学生优秀作品展,天津美术学院美术馆,天津





    作品《圆》                            被私人收藏

    作品《偶置》                          被中国雕塑博物馆收藏

    作品《空间中的线》                    被中央美术学院美术馆收藏

    作品《木与现成物品重构的探索》        被中国美术馆收藏

    作品《为梦远行》                      被南京国际美术展收藏

    作品《天纬路四号》                    被中国雕塑博物馆收藏


    作品《起飞飞往》                      被空客A320收藏









Yu Yang


Born in 1986

2015  Graduated from the Central Academy of Fine Arts Department of sculpture, Master's degree

Now he is the second resident artist of the Central Academy of Fine Arts

Living and working in Beijing



2016  Investigation - Exhibition of Alëna Olasyuk, Ding Hao, Yu Yang, Cheng center for contemporary art, Beijing

      On the road - Nomination Exhibition of Chinese Young Artists Works & Forum of Young Art Critics, Guan Shanyue Art Museum, Shenzhen

      Polyphony - China Contemporary Sculpture Pioneer Works Exhibition, CAFA Tao Xichuan Art Museum, Jingdezhen

      Ferry - China Youth Contemporary Sculpture and Installation Nomination Exhibition, Tianjin

      Sharp - 2016 Exhibition of Young Artists, Wan Guo Art Museum, Beijing

      2016 Comrades - Exhibition of the Second Young Talent Resident Plan, CAFA Art Museum, Beijing

2015  Zeng Zhushao Sculpture Art Scholarship, Chinese Sculpture Museum, Beijing

      Artist, Linda Gallery, Beijing

      Central Academy of Fine Arts residency program, Wyatt Art Museum, Beijing

      2015 Central Academy of Fine Arts outstanding graduates exhibition, CAFA Art Museum, Beijing

      Stellardemia - Poly Stellardemia Contemporary Art Exhibition, Time Museum, Beijing

      37.5 - Zoomart Contemporary art exhibition, Zoomart Gallery, Beijing

      New Art Movement, Wyatt Art Museum, Beijing

2014  1 <1 Young Artists Exhibition, Yuan Art Museum, Beijing

      The 3rd Plastic Arts Emerging Artists Exhibition of 2014, National Art Museum of China, Beijing

      Chinese Pose - China Sculpture Exhibition, Shanghai

2011  Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts Outstanding Graduation Exhibition, Tianjin

      Zeng Zhushao Sculpture Art Scholarship, Chinese Sculpture Museum, Beijing

      International Sculpture Exhibition of Outstanding Art College Graduates, Quintessence Court, Beijing

2009  Flying , Airbus A320 Base, Tianjin

2008  Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts students outstanding works exhibition, Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts Museum, Tianjin



Works "Round", collected by private collector

Works "Occasionally Placed", collected by Chinese Sculpture Museum

Works "Line in Space", collected by CAFA Art Museum

Works "Wood and ready-made items reconstruction exploration" , collected by National Art Museum of China

Works "Dream trip" , collected by the Nanjing International Art Exhibition

Works "4th Tianwei Road " , collected by Chinese Sculpture Museum and Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts Museum

Works "Take-off to fly" , collected by Airbus A320 Base