
Ben Brown Fine Arts
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陈维 在艺搜查询

出生年份: 1980
籍    贯:


陈维的作品在世界各地展出,包括首尔艺术博物馆,上海当代艺术馆,尤伦斯当代艺术中心,平遥国际摄影大展等。同时陈维与不同时时尚艺术杂志,如《LEAP》和《男人装》等等,进行关于观念摄影与时装设计的合作,合作的品牌包括宝缇嘉,路易威登,普拉达等等。2011年,陈维登上了《Ten Magazine》中文版,同时被中国最畅销的周刊《周末画报》用作封面。
Unlike early generations of Chinese contemporary photographers whose work concentrated mainly on documenting performances and installations, Chen Wei chooses to carry out an inquiry into the nature of the medium of photography itself. In the process, he forges idiosyncratic languages inspired by modern literature and conceptual photography of the late 20th century. Creating cinematic settings, Chen Wei’s photos have the ability to reveal dreamscapes and further succeed in capturing what seem like improbable moments of everyday life and even residues of history and memory.
Photographing unconventional moments or theatrical occasions as a point of departure, Chen has developed his study and work in the aim of revealing the internal world of young Chinese people who grew up in the immediate post’89 decades. He focuses on youths whose lives revolved around imported and pirated cultural products such as music cassettes, CDs, DVDs, underground literary publications or visual art as resources for their own art and recreation.
Chen has exhibited extensively around the world, including Seoul Museum of Art, Museum of Contemporary Art Shanghai, Ullens Center for Contemporary Art, Pingyao International Photography Festival, Poznan Biennale, etc. Commissioned by fashion and art magazines such as FHM and LEAP, Chen has produces a few projects that bring together conceptual photography and fashion design, featuring products by Bottega Veneta, LV, and Prada, among many others. Chen Wei is featured in Ten magazine’s China issue in 2011, and graced the cover of Modern Weekly the most circulated weekly paper in China.
Chen Wei received the 1st Asia Pacific Photography Prize at ShContemporary Art Fair, in Shanghai, in 2011. He is also awarded the Best Photography Artist by art journal Randian.
Chen Wei (1980) lives and works in Beijing.