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1分 2分 3分 4分 5分 6分 7分 8分 9分 10分 0.9分
- 印象:
- 经营时间:28年
- 展厅面积:1000平米
- 地 区:湖北-武汉-其他

吴作人 在艺搜查询
出生年份: | 1908 |
籍 贯: | |
吴作人 (1908年-1997年),安徽泾县人。擅长油画、中国画、 美术教育。1926年入苏州工业专门学校建筑系,1927年入上海艺术大学美术系。1928年春入上海南国艺术学院,秋季转入南京中央大学艺术系,在徐悲鸿画室学习。1930年赴法,入巴黎国立高等美术学校,西蒙教授画室。冬季赴比利时布鲁塞尔,入比利时王家美术学院,白思天教授画室。先后获全院油画会考第一名、金质奖章;晚班雕塑会考创作第一奖、金质奖章。1935年秋回国,任南京中央大学艺术系讲师,1937年任中国美术会理事。“上海事变”后,随校迁往重庆,曾组织有五人参加的“中央大学战地写生团”,到前方写生。并在武汉参加三厅举办的抗日宣传画展。参加全国美术界抗敌协会,当选为理事。1939年、1940年,先后参加在美巡回展出的中国画展和在莫斯科举行的中国画展。1942年受教育部之聘,为终身教授、中国美术学院研究员。1943至1944年曾赴敦煌参观,并在甘、青、康、藏写生。1945年至1946年,先后在康定、成都、重庆、上海举行边疆写生画展。1946年应徐悲鸿之聘赴北平,接管北平艺专,任油画系教授、兼教务主任。1949年以后,历任中央美术学院院长、 名誉院长,中国美术家协会主席、全国人大常委会委员等。代表作品有《画家齐白石》、《展翅云霄》、《藏原放牧》等。出版有《吴作人画集》、《吴作人水墨画选》、《吴作人、 萧淑芳画选》等。尚有教学录像、科教片《吴作人的画》行世。
Wu Zuoren (1908-1997), born in Jing County, Anhui Province, is good at oil painting, Chinese painting and arts education. In 1926, he was enrolled by the Department of Architecture of Suzhou School of Industry and in 1927 enrolled by the Department of Fine Arts of Shanghai Arts University. In the spring of 1928, he entered into Shanghai Nanguo Fine Arts College and then in the autumn moved to study at Xu Beihong Studio with the Department of Arts of Nanjing Central University. In 1930, he went to France to study at Prof. Simon Studio with Paris National College of Fine Arts. In the winter, he went to Brussels, Belgium to study at Prof. Bai Sitian Studio wth Belgium Royal College of Fine Arts. He won the first prize and gold medal in the unified exams of oil painting of the college, and the first prize and gold medal in the sculpture exam and innovation of the night class. In the autumn of 1935, he returned back and acted as a lecturer at the Department of Arts of Nanjing Central University, and in 1937 he acted as a director of China Artists Association. Following Shanghai Incident, he moved to Chongqing with his school and organized “Warfield Sketch Team of Central University” composed of five persons to make sketches in the war front and took part in painting exhibitions of anti-Japanese promotion held in Wuhan sponsored by three departments. Later, he joined National Anti-Japanese Association of Fine Arts Circle and became its director. In 1939 and 1940, he attended itinerary Chinese painting exhibitions in the United States and Moscow one after another. In 1942, he was employed by the Ministry of Education as a life-long professor and a research fellow of China Academy of Art. From 1943 to 1944, he visited Dunhuang and made sketches in Gansu, Qinghai, Kangding and Tibet. From 1945 to 1946, he held border sketch exhibitions in Kangding, Chengdu, Chongqing and Shanghai one after another. In 1946, upon the employment of Xu Beihong, he moved to Peiping to take over National School of Fine Arts of Peiping and acted as a professor of the Department of Oil Painting and the Director of Teaching Affairs. Since 1949, he has acted as the president and honorary president of China Central Academy of Fine Arts, president of China Artists Association and a standing member of National People’s Congress. His representative works include The Artist Qi Baishi, Flying over Cloud, Herd on Tibet Plateau and so on. He has published Painting Collection of Wu Zuoren, Selected Works of Ink Painting of Wu Zuoren, Selected Paintings of Wu Zuoren and Xiao Shufang and so on. In addition, his teaching video and educational film Paintings of Wu Zuoren has also appeared.
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