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无限之梦-草间弥生作品收藏展 第二季


无限之梦--草间弥生作品收藏展 第二季

Infinite Dream: An Exhibition of Yayoi Kusama’s works Season two

展 期 Date | 2017.02.14 – 2017.04.02

时 间 Hours|11am -18pm 周一闭馆 Monday Closed

地 点 Address |上海杜若云章画廊 Je Fine Art Gallery Shanghai

上海永嘉路498号 498 Yongjia Road,Shanghai

主办方 Host: 杜若云章画廊 Je Fine Art Gallery

合作方 Cooperation: 上海光大私人银行俱乐部 China Everbright Bank Private Banking Club

入场费Admission | 25 RMB(周二-周五) 30 RMB(周末) 198 RMB(会员-购票即日起,一年免费观看画廊所有展览)

电话Tel:021-64157709   微信Wechat:JEgallery




草间弥生(Yayoi Kusama)的头衔和称号有很多,“日本国宝级艺术家”、“波点/圆点女王”、“前卫女王”、“精神病艺术家”、“怪婆婆”等等,都是她。出生于日本长野县松本市,毕业于日本长野县松本女子学校的草间,在1957年移居美国纽约市,并开始展露她的前卫艺术创作,成为纽约前卫艺术的先锋人物,影响力堪与波普艺术领袖安迪· 沃霍尔(Andy Warhol)匹敌。











约瑟夫是一位虔诚的基督徒,他们除了接吻,并没有性的接触。两人一直相伴,直至1972 年柯内尔去世。十年的幸福是奢侈的——爱人的去世给草间弥生以沉重打击,她的精神问题愈发严重。1973 年,柯内尔去世后第二年,她从纽约回到日本,离开艺术家与评论家,逃出媒体视野,独自一人在精神疗养院生活。草间弥生还在疗养院旁买下一栋楼做工作室,“那是我一生最大一笔开销。”白天,她到附近的工作室“上班”,晚上又回到疗养院。她极少外出,也避免会客,不逛商店,不会使用电脑和手机,过着与世隔绝的日子,在助手搀扶下创作至今。








草间弥生 《花》|纸本水墨|24.1×27.3cm|1979










Pumkin (S)|17.9×14cm|1992


Dancing Pumpkin (YOR)|39.5×56.3cm|2004


Flower Garden|45.3×52.5cm|1989







2009年6月底,英国《泰晤士报》公布20世纪最伟大的200 名艺术家调查结果。毕加索、塞尚名列第一、第二,日本有4 位艺术家上榜:草间弥生、村上隆、杉本博司和野口勇。相比村上隆等人,“怪婆婆”草间弥生比他们提前了整整三四十年。





The Infinite Dream of Yayoi Kusama continues infinitely. After the passionately received first season, season two of the exhibition will begin at the sweet date of Valentine’s Day, February 14th – just like what Kusama once said, she wished her works to deliver the message of love and peace. On such a day of love, Je Fine Arts Gallery will display a new collection of Yaoyi Kusama’s artworks  


Yayoi Kusama has had many titles and names for her fame, such as “a national treasure of Japan”, “queen of polka dots”, “queen of the avant-garde”, “psycho artist”, etc. Born in Matsumoto, Nagano, into an upper-middle-class family of seedling merchants, she later on moved to New York for her debut of avant-garde art and became the pioneer of the circle, influencing contemporary big names such as Andy Warhol and Claes Oldenburg. 


But mental illness is something that accompanies her far longer than the fame and wealth.


The childhood of Kusama is not a happy story. A depressing family with a mother who showed no support to her art dream and a conservative social environment urged her to escape from home to the big city of New York. She said, “I was well aware that if I want to pursue a career in arts, I had to escape from the suffocating Japan and to the outside world.”


The story of her gaining success as an artist in New York is all history with no need to elaborate anymore. However, the fame and wealth did not get Kusama free from the suffering of mental illness, until 1962 when she met the well-known American contemporary artist and avant-garde filmmaker Joseph Cornell.


They kept a platonic romantic relationship until Cornell’s death in 1972. The death of her lover made a powerful strike on Kusama’s mental stability. In 1973, a year after Cornell’s passing away, Kusama left New York and went back to Japan, escaping from the eyes of fellow artists, art critics and the media, living alone in the hospital, in a almost isolated-from-the-world way.   


The New York Times once commented on her 60s works leaded by Infinite Net that “her works completely devoid personal emotions, confusing the viewers with a paranoid repetition. ”


But the Kusama of 1979, after all the spotlights and applauds, after the pain of losing her lover, let loose the fierce isolation and fearlessness in her paintings. This time Je Fine Art Gallery gathers a precious collection of her original works of that period. It is apparent that there is an increasing sense of humanity and personal emotions in these works. From the perspective of subjects, they portray more figurative objects instead of the abstract images of her earlier works. When it comes to techniques, the brushworks of ink vary on the paper, every stroke giving different textures and thus showing the artist’s emotions.


1979 is also the year when Kusama started making print works. We are going to include those as a part of the display as well. Among the print works, the most distinctive ones are, without doubt, the series of the pumpkins.


Along with the print pumpkins, we are also going to display an original sculpture pumpkin of the artist with her autographs at the bottom. Looking closely at this work, you will certainly get a sense why Kusama’s arts are equally popular in the fashion world.