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纸术 | 赵峥嵘纸本作品展


纸术  赵峥嵘纸本作品展

Start from Paper : Zhao Zhengrong's paper paintings


展 期 Date | 2016.07.02 – 2016.07.12

时 间 Hours|11am -18pm 周一闭馆 Monday Closed

地 点 Address |上海杜若云章画廊 Je Fine Art Gallery Shanghai

上海永嘉路498号 498 Yongjia Road,Shanghai

入场费Admission | 25 RMB 会员免费 Members Free 

文 |策展人 雷祺发










灯| 57cm x 38cm |纸本 |2016

河边| 57cm x 38cm |纸本 |2016



文|Je Young Professional  Gwen













Lucidity and order is a kind of deception.


Freud views dream as the fulfillment of desire: human beings have hope that  cannot be achieved in reality, so they dream. Slavoj Zizek pushed a step further, stating that virtual reality is more authentic than the reality as we know it. In other words, chaotic dreams are more authentic than real world, which can show he truth of one’s spirit. Zhao Zhengrong's paper paintings are exactly to push the spectators to look for such “ultimate authenticity”.


To achieve that, the artist has to fight against the deception that comes from modern technology that grants us a massive amount of high definition visual consumption. The content of such deception is that the relation between the sighs and the connotation (denotation) becomes single and fixed. People are fed with certain ideologies mechanically and robbed of the rights to perceive a sigh (be it linguistic or visual) by themselves.


The weapon of Zhao Zhengrong, is precisely the vagueness of his images that rivals the HD world around us. The misty, disordered brushworks and the twisted, borderline unidentifiable subjects of his paper paintings reject the experience of the “real world”. Although just like dreams, all the material, or say, subject matters such as forests, riverbanks, clouds, chandeliers, etc., come from our reality, they are portrayed as a fantasy. These images provide a subjective perspective not from the artist, Zhao Zhengrong, himself, but from the various possibilities between the sighs and the signed. The spectators gain subjectivities that lost within the mechanic HD world, by looking for the meaning behind Zhao’s paintings, depending on their own memories and emotions.


The “ultimate authenticity” does not come from how an idea is commonly accepted, but from the process of searching an idea. “Reality” is simplex, “authenticity” is versatile and infinite. After experiencing the works of Zhao Zhengrong, you may be able to get a btter taste of the huge but subtle difference between these two ideas.