- 资质:
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1分 2分 3分 4分 5分 6分 7分 8分 9分 10分 7分
- 印象:
- 经营时间:10年
- 展厅面积:200平米
- 地 区:上海-徐汇
- 展览时间:2016-04-21 - 2016-05-02
- 展览城市:上海-徐汇
- 展览地点:上海永嘉路498号 498 Yongjia Road,Shanghai
- 策 展 人:孙璐菲
- 参展人员:
文 | 孙璐菲
Zhao Zhenrong
Zhao Zhenrong's oil paintings look at the world in a pessimistic light showcasing cites in abstract shadow and dark tones. Often reminding people of an apocalyptic future, Zhao's work create an intense and unsettling feeling. Like the other artists this exhibition, Zhao was also born in the 1970‘s and his experience of China’s transformation is reflected through the eerie cityscapes he paints. He paints large pieces of art which does well to truly encapsulate the feel Zhao wants to create.
罗威 Luo Wei
The work of Luo Wei does not fall under any classification. These works lie in the interstitial of abstract and representation. The repeating of the faintly visible forms gives way to the insistent existence of the creatures they embody. The strategic layering of colors upon one another allows them to become entangled and simultaneously create fluidity, as well as discord. Whether it be oil paintings or prints, there is a distinguishable energy among these works. Often the colors within the works carry with them their own strength impacting the viewer in some way, whether it be the dark reds or bright blues, each color has intent. A work of 300cm x 1000cm becomes extremely impactful with the disarray within them. It is often the clashing and colliding of the strokes and colors that create the most intrigue. Colors that intertwine sporadically; lines that connect and are continually varying are what define the work of Luo Wei.
吴海啸 Wu xiaohai
The work of Wu Haixiao is described as a continuative narrative. The works tell their own story and are in some form a sequel to each other. These work seem to have a certain softness and smoothness to the way they are created that contradicts the subject matter they portray.