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1分 2分 3分 4分 5分 6分 7分 8分 9分 10分 7分
- 印象:
- 经营时间:10年
- 展厅面积:200平米
- 地 区:上海-徐汇
- 展览时间:2015-05-30 - 2015-07-31
- 展览城市:上海-徐汇
- 展览地点:永嘉路498号
- 策 展 人:
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Grinding & Blooming
Jared Williamson & Hongwei Wang
研磨和绽放分别代表着两种追求生命极致的方式。此次展览中受邀的两位艺术家Jared Williamson 和王宏卫的作品就分别表现了研磨与绽放的主题,也体现了他们各自对生命和美的理解。
Jared Williamson将古老的澳洲原始艺术带到现代,研磨不同的澳洲矿物成为不同质感的颜料,结合原始部落的图腾艺术,展现出人类潜意识的奇幻世界以及过去 未来 生死 欲望 伦理等人之为人的原因。
Grinding and Blooming represent two ways of pursuing the perfection of life. This exhibit features works by two contemporary artists: Jared Williamson and Hongwei Wang, each reflecting their unique understanding of life and beauty through different themes and diverse mediums.
Jared Williamson brings the ancient Australian primitive painting methods to the modern world through grinding various types of rock to make numerous pigments and textures. Combing the contemporary painting method with the totem culture of the primitive tribes; like a shaman, Jared’s works embodies the magic world of human subconsciousness and the abstract notions of past & future, birth & death, and apathy & desire.
Since arriving to the metropolis that is Shanghai in 2012, his painting medium material has switched to grinded brick powder, which from bricks in the wastelands around the Suzhou River. The theme of Grinding remains true in his works, reflecting his consistent exploration for the meaning of life.
On the other hand, Hongwei Wang’s paintings express the idea of Blooming. Although painted in black ink, the lively flowers still emit the vitality of life. Mr. Wang’s paintings resemble his own weltanschauung, which is sheer and absolute, without any impurity. He roams in a sea of flowers, conveying his passion for art and his love for life to the viewers, appreciating joy and cheers during this lifelong journey