- 资质:艺
- 评分:
1分 2分 3分 4分 5分 6分 7分 8分 9分 10分 7分
- 印象:
- 经营时间:17年
- 展厅面积:2000平米
- 地 区:北京-朝阳-一号地
漆驭天 在艺搜查询
出生年份: | 1978 |
籍 贯: | 四川-乐山 |
2001年, 就读四川大学艺术学院研究生班
2012 “亭间笔记——漆驭天个展”;北京熙丰艺术
1985年 中国美协主办“中日友好少儿绘画大奖赛”优秀奖;
2006年 为重庆“一棵树”观景台大厅创作漆壁画三幅;
2006年 重庆围城国际公寓创作“围城”壁画;
2007年 参加“首届风景.风情油画展”;上海美术馆
2008年 参加北京798艺术节“ATT艺术展”;北京798
2008年 参加北京特米斯美术馆“当代油画展”;北京
2009年 参与 “暖冬计划”;北京
2010年“独白Ⅱ 当代艺术展”;成都A4艺术中心
2013年 “想象无限—青年艺术家计划”;北京 世纪坛美术馆
2013年 “独立品格2013潜质艺术家年度提名展”;北京 大河湾美术馆
2013年“风景关键词I”;广州 风眠艺术空间
2013年“万象”;深圳 冥想画廊
2014年 宁波国际艺博会;宁波
2014年“ART T3”;北京首都机场
Personal CV
Qi Yu Tian
Professional Artist
Born in Le Shan City Si Chuan Province.
Have been trained with Chinese traditional art by father Qi Zhi Cai since childhood.
2001, study in the graduate student Class of Si Chuan Institution of Fine Art of Si Chuan University. The hierophant was Professor Duan Qi Ding. Also learned minority art of south-west China, especially Tibetan art, from Professor Kang . Gesangyixi.
2002,learned chromatology and modern lacquer painting from Professor Chen Shen En.
2003, worked as visual art teacher in Si Chuan Normal University.
2005, worked as fine artist in Tank Warehouse Contemporary Art Center of Si Chuan Institution of Fine Art.
2008, worked as fine artist in Fei Jia Cun art region in Beijing.
2009, built private art studio and took part in Warm-Winter project in Nai Dong art region in Beijing.
Currently working and living in Beijing.
1985, won the honorable mention in “China & Japan Friendship Grand Art Prix”, which was hold by Chinese Fine Art Association.
2005, artwork “Ting Shan Tu” has won the silver award in “The First Small Chinese Landscape Painting Grand Prix”.
2006, created three frescos for the One-Tree Platform Hall of Chong Qing city.
2006, created fresco “The Siege” for The Siege International Mansion in Chong Qing city.
2007, The First “Landscapes & Feelings” oil painting exhibition, Shang Hai Art Museum.
2008, The ATT Art Show of 798 Art Festival, 798 Art Region, Beijing
2008, “Contemporary Oil Painting” Exhibition, Themis Gallery, Beijing
2008, artwork “Journey to the east and journey to the west” has joined the Venice Network Biennale.
2009, “Fictitious Memory” Contemporary Young Art Show, The Wine Factory Art Region, Beijing.
2009, The Warm-Winter Project, Beijing.
2010, “Green” Contemporary Art Show, International Expo Center, Beijing.
2010, “Monologue II” Contemporary Show, A4 Art Center, Cheng Du city.
2011, “The Watcher, Language Transforming and Meaning Producing”, Yi He Mountain Villa, Guang Zhou city.
2012,“Art Ordos Contemporary Art Show”, Ordos city.
2012,"Art Salon Media Editor" 2012 Nomination Exhibition of Contemporary Art; Yuan Dian Art Museum,Beijing.
2013,"Imagine Unlimited - Young Artists program" Invitational Exhibition; Millennium Monument Art Museum,Beijing .
2013,"Independent character 2013 'promising artists Annual Awards"; River Bend Art Museum,Beijing.
2013,"Key in Landscape"; FM Art Space, Guang Zhou city.
2013,"Vientiane";Meditation gallery,Shenzhen.
2014,"NingPo Art Fair 2014";NingPo
2014,"Art T3",The Capital Airport;Beijing
2014,"Transcending the Three Realms: Absolute Attitudes";5 art center ,Beijing