- 资质:艺
- 评分:
1分 2分 3分 4分 5分 6分 7分 8分 9分 10分 7分
- 印象:
- 经营时间:17年
- 展厅面积:2000平米
- 地 区:北京-朝阳-一号地

刘学 在艺搜查询
出生年份: | 1983 |
籍 贯: | 辽宁-沈阳 |
2010年 作品《we are the world》NO.1—2参加柏林艺术学院交流会。
2010年 作品《we are the world》NO.1—5参加北京中外高校优秀作品展。
2010年 作品《we are the world》NO.1—5参加“曾竹韶”奖学金优秀作品展。
2010年 作品《we are the world》NO.1-—5参加北京798 零艺术馆“空间&形象能”青年艺术家邀请展。
2011年作品《we are the world》NO.1—2参加2011年国际服装博览会艺术家邀请展。2011年作品《共存感.小生命》NO.1—3参加北京798零艺术馆“用功”青年雕塑家联展。
2012年作品《we are the world 》NO. 1—4参加北京’’798和颐艺术‘’艺术家邀请展。
《we are the world》作品尺寸:40x45x70cm 材料:树脂/,
《共存感 .小生命》作品尺寸:30x30x60 cm 材料:树脂/
人,有别于动物,生来追求完美,追求完美的自我。而这所谓的“完美”在很多时候也泯灭了生命的共性和关爱,当下很多求异不存同的自我优化疏远了情感冷漠了世界,是粗糙的没有信仰的自我。我一直认为感悟共性才是大爱的终点,是一种完美的精神体现,如“将心比心”。 重组并还原一种气质外延一种生命,感受人与自然生命之间的相似气息甚至秉性,是一种自我感悟更是审视,拉近的不只是生命的距离。直觉是对生命本体的直接领悟,理性的分析不能解释真正的生命冲动。作品以“异质同构”的形式组合尝试打破自然现象与视知觉组织的审美经验,极力追求人与动物外在结构和内在气质的协调统一,以便更真实的感受人与人,人与动物之间的内在精神联系。脱离科学的理性而赋予《we are the world》精神上的唿吸。
Liu xue, born in 1983, Liaoning,Shenyang.
Graduated from Sculpture Department of the Guangzhou Academy of the Fine Arts,2010.
About the artist
As a member of new generation, Liu is as same as other young people who embracing advanced technology. However, he understands the civilization is built by crushing the environment which eventually leads to the exhaustion of the world. Moreover, in this modern world, the process of modernization results in alienation between the relationships of all human. Hence, the value of human has been reduced. By asking himself two questions: why do we live? What is the world should be? He started to make the first set of his works: “We Are the World”.
“We Are the World” NO.1—2 participated in the “Berlin Academy of art Exchange”,2010
NO.1—5 participated in the “Zeng Zhushao” scholarship Excellent Works exhibition,2010
NO.1—5 participated in the “Beijing International Academy of Fine Arts——Excellent Works Exhibition”,2010
NO.1—5 participated in the “Space & Visual” young artists exhibition in Zero Gallery, 798 Art Zone,2010
NO.1—2 participated in the “International Fashion & Art Invitation Exhibition”,2011
“Sense of coexistence-little creatures” participated the “Diligent” young sculptors group exhibition in Zero Gallery, 798 Art Zone,2011
“We Are the World”
Size: 40x45x70cm
Material: Resin
“Sense of coexistence-little creatures”
Size: 30x30x60 cm
Material: Resin