【开幕酒会】2015/9/26(周六)6p.m. to 8
杏子、鹅莓和桑葚、紫葡萄和无花果儿青青,丰饶的产出将桀骜的自然带入生活的馈赠。经过人的巧手和匠心,蜜水黄桃邂逅慕斯的涡旋,馥郁香草缠绵起酥的千层;卷草舒花之心与细腻明媚之色自是连成一体,吟咏道彼时彼地希腊赫利孔山(Oros Elikon)泉水富庶,灌溉东麓圣地,并得到希腊神话中主司艺术与科学的文艺女神的守护,她们被誉为由酒神狄俄倪索斯精神所主宰技艺灵感之源与艺术的化身,集高尚文雅与疯狂炽情于一体,又在此时此刻的现代钢筋丛林里一瞥“游山玩水田园牧歌”的幻念中倏然现身。
Apricot, strawberry, purple grapes and fig. The abundant harvest brings the mutinous nature to people’s life. Honey peach encounters the vortex of mousse, fragrant herbs exchange love with crisp; curly grasses and stretching flowers and the exquisite and sunny color integrate into one part chanting that the spring water in Oros Elikon flows to the holy land at the east side, which is safeguarded by the Heliconian maids in charge of arts and science and honored as the source of ideas and the embodiment of arts controlled by the spirits of Dionysus. It integrates nobility, elegance and craziness into one part and pops up in the delusion of glimpsing at “paying a visit to nature” in modern rebar forest.
They are delicate, cheerful, deliberate and magnificent. Their dance has a shorter life span than flowers, they only praise respectively festivals in a tiny area, and they claim that only the affection of bright eyes and the intoxication of tongue tip are “Dasein”; then why they are only seen as food? Now that the inedible elements in them deciding their values are so important, whose heart can live in them? And whose ego can be reflected in them? We taste all various objects in the world in our heart, understanding the nature of objects only after identifying those temperaments and interests. If you understand and respond to the temperaments and interests, you will know the sadness of objects, feel happy and comfort for them, miss and admire them and be transformed into the limitless space. The conflicting elements including plain sense of materials, the overlapping color layers, the abundant flow and dry chaps are used repeatedly in drawings and unpredictable, like the redness of butterfly’s wings or the moon reflected in his eyes; they are like the moment when meteors flare after the long-standing waiting or the warmth showed because of being willing to be filled with too many delusions. Telling the truth of life and human’s nature and showing unconsciously some melancholy when ignoring fame and gains are the dilemma as “dessert”.
Those works including Confusion,Cake Eater, The Time of Love, Slowness,The Beauty of Morning, Development and Knowing, start with the suspension of conventional operation methods to put fate in an open state by the complete and cozy building of visual sense, which, in one hand, hold the clues of realistic approaches of the vividly described abandoned subject and in the other hand mystify the motif again in the metastable and personalized state. She cites Rudolf Arnheim’s words “visual sense is active exploration rather than negative records. And visual sense is a kind of creative behavior of human’s mentality.”, which echos that Martin Heidegger expressed when he used “Dasein” to define the existence of human that the Dasein of human can be unveiled only by arts because Dasein is not the common realistic loser but the survivor of creativity with various possibilities.
Teresa Chang said: “modern people are always stressed, but ‘stressed’ turns into ‘Dessert’ after being reversed. If people understand how to turn pressure into motivation, their life will be full of various desserts, because it is not only the release of internal emotion but the records of life course.” She takes advantage of her various ‘desserts’ to review the bottom of heart, fills them with emotions, dresses them with frost, places them in breeze and in the open field and scatters them at dusk. Those emotions filled with tones are dangerous but helpful in redemption. The vibration of atmosphere, like the breathing of visual sense, makes drawings look like obviously convincing, and the ubiquity of them seems honeyed sometimes and delusional at other times, which facilitates opening an area to house desires, better than memories, out of the consideration of safeguarding.