- 资质:
- 评分:
1分 2分 3分 4分 5分 6分 7分 8分 9分 10分 9.4分
- 印象:
- 经营时间:31年
- 展厅面积:1200平米
- 地 区:香港-香港地区-其他

曾梵志,1964年生,武汉人。1991年毕业于湖北美术学院油画系。现为职业画家。1990年在湖北美术馆举办“曾梵志油画个展”。1993年在香港汉雅轩画廊举办“假面 • 曾梵志个人油画展”;作品《协和三联画》获“九十年代广州双年展”优秀奖。1994年参加“首届批评家提名展”(中国美术馆)。1995年参加“1979年以来中国前卫艺术展”(巴塞罗纳圣莫尼卡艺术中心)。1996年参加“中国展”(波恩艺术博物馆)。1997年参加“首届当代艺术学术邀请展”(中国美术馆)。1998年举办“曾梵志个展1993-1998”(中央美术学院画廊、香格纳画廊)。作品多为瑞士、德国、香港及国内收藏家收藏。
Born in Wuhan. Graduated in 1991 from Hubei Academy of Fine Arts, Oil Painting Department. Currently Lives and works in Beijing. Selected Exhibitions: in 1990 Zeng Fanzhi, Hubei Institute of Fine Arts Gallery. In 1991, Chinese Oil Painting for Fifty Years, International Exhibition Center, Beijing, China. In 1992, Guangzhou Biennal - Oil Painting of the Nineties, Guangzhou Convention Centre. In 1993, China’s New Art Post- 1989, Touring Exhibiti, Hong Kong, Sydney (until 1997). In 1994, Exhibition of Works Selected by Art Critics, China Art Gallery Beijing. In 1995, Behind the Mask, Hanart TZ Gallery, Hong Kong; Beyond Ideology: New Art from China, Der Haus der Kulture das Welt Hamburg, Germany; Des Pais del Centre, Avantguardes Artistiques Xineses, Santa Monica Art Centre Barcelona, Spain. In 1996 Reality, Present and Future, International Art Palace Beijing; China!, Touring Exhibiti, Germany, Austria, Denmark, Poland (until 1998); It Is Me, Forbidden City, Beijing, China. In 2000, Futuro Exhibition of Chinese Contemporary Art, The Contemporary Art Center of Macau (CACOM), Macau. In 2001, New Image: Twenty years of Chinese contemporary painting, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu; Toward a New Image, Twenty years of Chinese Contemporary Painting, National Art Museum, Beijing; Shanghai Art Museum; Guangzhou Art Museum; Modem Art Museum, Chengdu. In 2002 Korean and Chinese painting - 2002 New Expression, Seoul Arts Center, Korea; The First Triennial of Chinese Arts, Guangzhou Art Museum, Guangzhou; Paris-Pekin, Espace Pierre Cardin, Paris. In 2003, Left Hand, Right Hand - A Sino-German Exhibition of Contemporary Art, Beijing 798 Space Art & Culture, Beijing, China; Invitational Gallery Exhibition, Shanghai Art Museum, Shanghai; I/We, 1991-2003, The painting of Zeng Fanzhi, Shanghai Art Museum, Shanghai, China. From 2004 to 2005, Chinese contemporary painting, Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio, Bologna, Italy; Zeng Fanzhi, Hanart TZ Gallery, Hong Kong; Majong, “Chinesische Gegenwartskunst aus der Sammlung Sigg”, Kunstmuseum Bern, Switzerland; Sky, Fine Art Literature, Wuhan, China. In 2006 Zeng Fanzhi, Art Basel Miami Beach, Gallery ShangART; Zeng Fanzhi – Paintings, Wedel, London, UK; Zeng Fanzhi’s Solo-Exhibition with New Paintings, ShanghArt Gallery, Shanghai, China; Zhou Chunya, Zeng Fanzhi and Ji Dachun, LONGRUN ART, Beijing, China.