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1分 2分 3分 4分 5分 6分 7分 8分 9分 10分 7分
- 印象:
- 经营时间:13年
- 展厅面积:66平米
- 地 区:香港-香港地区
您所在的位置:Galerie Koo 雍廷序畫廊>展览>展览详情
Duo Group Show
- 展览时间:2015-10-01 - 2015-10-31
- 展览城市:香港-香港地区
- 展览地点:Galerie KOO
- 策 展 人:
- 参展人员:
Jean-Philippe Duboscq (b.1960) studied at the Ecole nationale supérieure des Arts Visuels de La Cambre (La Cambre national graduate academy for Visual Arts) from 1976 to 1980. In his work, there is a will to bring pictural matter as close as possible to physical constraints, to free himself from control and from composition, to leave room for the unexpected. This can be seen both in his fluid and diaphanous backgrounds made from paint runs and absorpts, and in his brisk and bold writings. His intuitive movements lead him to resistances, to deviations. A kind of distortion of the form of which the subject is painting. Duboscq creates a world in bebop tempo, scratched, crossed out, erased, with saturated colours, syncopated rhythms, of which the space in perspective opens to an internal light. Artist lives and works in Belgian.
Chen Xi (b. 1966) migrated to Vienna since 1993 after graduating at the Shanghai Fine-Art University. When viewing the Chinese paint brush works of Chen, words like explosive, eruptive, natural, and bursting cross the observer’s mind. Chen mainly works on paper, often entirely in black, and only sometimes mixing in sepia or natural tones. The pictures are a spontaneous montage of extremely thin, painted paper. Chen’s ink-pen drawing brings us to another dimension of art, with which, he brings out the quietness and peacefulness of one’s inner self. Artist lives and works in Vienna.