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夜行者 Nightwalker -呂文婧個展

  • 无图

  • 无图















Albert Einstein once said, "There is nothing divine about moralityit is a purely human affair." The human nature or imagination prompt us to find excuses for those who make mistakes. Judgment is just like a gustatory bud, our mind attaching the moral sentiments to certain perception.

We hover between right and wrong, agreement and rejection. At the exhibition "Nightwalker", following the artist Lv Wenjing's sensitive and outsider-like attitude, we lay down our reflection on telling right from wrong, even though it tends to happen after we interpret our actions.

Lv utilises distorted body part and partial animal figures as a metaphor for human desires. During the creation of the new series "New World", she began to pursue her ego and self-ideal. Her techniques being more natural and close to her ego, she didn't modify the frame and let the body lines approach toward her mindset to express her notion.

Within the transformation from "Teleology"   to "New World", she tried to be away from her former state two years ago. She ceased her creation and devoted herself to experiencing the outer world. In order to conquer the strong insecurity, she donned the outwear of "nightwalker" and soared freely when others fell in sleep.

It is a crucial stage for an artist to reopen his or her view. Rediscovering her surroundings and jumping out to observe everything, finally she realized that the bond between human beings is the most beautiful thing in the world. When she returned to her studio, she started the creation of the "New World" series.

The series "Teleology" and "New World" elaborate many issues of the life circle. The repeated monologues and inner tracks are locked at the moment. The reorganization and foldovers record the coexistence of the artist, time and space. The characters of the works seem to be the leading roles of the standard and the events happen in the undefined space. We are sometimes in it and sometimes out, but truth is beyond the seeing facts.

This exhibition displays Lv's several plane artworks and three-dimensional sculpture works which is a combination of various materials able to be found in the corners. We create an enclosed forest night in the exhibition sphere. Please follow the footprints of the nightwalker and exploit the visual sense to be the most sensitive organ. Maybe it is hard to keep the innocence in the game of natural selection, but we hope that the exhibition can enable you to jump out of the frame of morality, open your mind and awaken the animality of the original yearning via the animal-like postures.









1983年生人 辽宁丹东 现居丹东



2007年作品“寄生”入选 2007当代艺术院校大学生年度提名展 今日美术馆 北京

2009年 2009当代艺术院校大学生年度提名展 今日美术馆 北京

2015年 第六届新星星艺术节 西安美术馆

2016年 ISGO Gallery“虐”吕文婧个展  上海

2016年 新加坡当代艺术展  新加坡

2016年 “五月混”iSGO Gallery  上海

2016年 第七届新星星艺术节 郑州彩虹盒子美术馆

2017年 风景这边独好 齐云山艺术场美术馆