- 资质:
- 评分:
1分 2分 3分 4分 5分 6分 7分 8分 9分 10分 9.7分
- 印象:
- 经营时间:11年
- 展厅面积:50平米
- 地 区:上海-徐汇
时间的记忆 五位艺术家联展
时间可以说是即具体又虚无,它实实在在、一分一秒地实现着瞬息万变的魔力。记忆依赖着时间过程而成为永恒。 上海21艺术空间,以“时间的记忆”作为主题,策划了一系列展览。意在通过艺术家作品 呈现样式,提供给学术界及公众更具体的研究与观赏。
本次邀请参展艺术家:王维新、丁一林、周志伟、刘曼文、殷雄 五位艺术家都是目前活跃在国内外美术界的重要代表性人物。他们分别来自于北京、上海、罗马。
王维新是中国重要水彩画家及铜版画家。王维新的作品题材广泛,敏锐的洞察力与激情的表现力完美结合形成了王维新特有的风格。此展中,王维新作品以海边生活为素材, 表达了内心对于故乡不可言说的情感与眷恋。丁一林是典型的学院派油画家,无论历史画还是风景写生都不失严谨认真学院之风。周志伟对于油画技法有着不可动摇的研究乐趣, 他更加关注经典与永恒之说并在作品中实现这一理想,因此在选材方面也自然而然出现具有人文特征的古罗马遗迹。刘曼文从“平淡人生”“独白”走向对历史时空的思考“红颜 档案”。此展中,刘曼文新近创作的“中国园林”将中国江南园林的意境与油画技法的融 合作为课题研究,把光影空间变化整合为结构支撑。殷雄的研究领域始终强调具象绘画的 深度。此展中,他以写生方式完成的人体作品,脱离了一般的习作性。透过笔触的塑造力 度及质感的表现印证了具象绘画的不可替代性。
总而言之,五位艺术家的作品从不同题材、视角为我们提供了关于“时间的记忆”的联想。期待时间长河见证艺术家们作品所带来的永恒形象记忆 !
上海21艺术空间 2014年12月15日于上海
Time is both a concrete and abstract concept. It shows ever-changing magic in every second in reality. Time makes memory become perpetual.Shanghai 21 ART SPACE , has planned a series of exhibitions on “Memory of the Time”, which intend to offer both the academia and the public an even more concrete approach of artistic research and appreciation through the presentation styles of some art works.This time we have invited 5 artists: Wang Weixin, Ding Yilin, Zhou Zhiwei, Liu Manwen , Yin Xiong. These five artists are all active and representative in contem- porary art and are playing important roles in the fine art area in China and abroad.
Wang Weixin is an important watercolor painter as well as the creator of etching in China. His works cover a wide range of subjects and display, a perfect combination of his sensitive insight and passionate expressiveness which endows his works with a special style. In this exhibition, Wang Weixin chooses the subject of life on the beach, to show his ineffable affection for and attachment to his hometown. Ding Yilin is a typical academic oil-painter, whose paintings, either history painting or landscape, are always in a serious academic style. Zhou Zhiwei shows an everlasting enthusiasm in the research of painting skills. He is particularly devoted to the con- ception of classics and eternity and tries to realize this ideal in his works, thus humanist features characterized by Roman ruins appear naturally in his works. From “Insipid Life” and “Monologue”, Liu Manwen has come into a reflection on historical space in her “Archives of Beauties”. This time, in her new works “Chinese Garden”, Liu Manwen chooses to research the merging of painting skills and the artistic conception of the gardens in Jiangnan, in order to transform lighting in space to structural support. Yin Xiong’s research always emphasizes the depth of figurative painting. In this exhibition, his body paintings, which are drawn from life, show no features of simply copying or imitating. The shaping pow- er of his brushwork and the presentation of texture prove that figurative painting is irreplaceable.
To summarize, the five artists give us the imagination of “memory of the time” from various subjects and different perspectives.
We hope the river of time will witness the everlasting memory the artists show in their works!
Shanghai 21Art Space Dec 15th , 2014
上一篇:时间的记忆 红颜档案刘曼文作品展