- 资质:
- 评分:
1分 2分 3分 4分 5分 6分 7分 8分 9分 10分 10分
- 印象:
- 经营时间:11年
- 展厅面积:500平米
- 地 区:上海-杨浦-其他
Born 1980 in Zurich (苏黎世)
Lives and works in Castrisch, Switzerland (瑞士)
Graduatedfromthe Fotografie am Schiffbauerdamm, Berlin (柏林), Germany (德国) in (2004 – 2007)
Graduatedfromthe Master ofArts in Fine Arts, University, Zurich (苏黎世), Switzerland (瑞士) in (2011 -2013)
Exhibition selection (S Solo / G Group)
"Abstracts" A.M. projects, Cooperfield Gallery, London (伦敦) (G)
MijnVlakke Land / My Flat Land, FOMU Antwerpen, Belgium (比利时) (G)
Nightofthe Year, Les rencontres de la Photographie, Arles (阿尔勒), France (法国) (G)
"Wohin geht all das Weiss, wenn der Schnee schmilzt?" Museum zu Allerheiligen, Schaffhausen (沙夫豪森), Switzerland (瑞士) (S)
"Warum ist die Stille der Landschaft so laut?", Museum d’Art, Chur, Switzerland (瑞士) (S)
„Something in Space...“, Württembergischer Kunstverein Stuttgart, Germany (德国) (G)
„Erinnerung & Sehnsucht“ Kunst Trienale, Pontresina (蓬特雷西纳), Switzerland (瑞士) (G)
fotoszene GR“ PhotobasteiZurich, Museum of Art, Chur (库尔), Switzerland (瑞士) (G)
„Jahresausstellung,“ Museum d’art, Chur (库尔), Switzerland (瑞士) (G)
"Bieler Fototage" Pasquart, Bienne (比尔), Switzerland (瑞士) (G)
„Kunst 13 Zürich“NominationArtaward, Zurich (苏黎世), Switzerland (瑞士) (G)
“Bruissements" Galerie Isabelle Gounod, "Nouvellesvagues" du Palais de Tokyo, Paris (巴黎), France (法国) (G)
"It's all in thedetail" Kunsthaus Baselland, Schweiz (G)
"Nocturnes" Noorderlichtphotography, Groningen (格罗宁根), Holland (荷兰) (G)
Stiller Besuch, Galerie VU' Paris (巴黎), France (法国) (S)
Waiting Out the Rain, Athens Photo Festival, Athènes, Greece (希腊) (S)
"Auswahl 12“, Aargauer Kunsthaus, Aarau (阿劳), Switzerland (瑞士)(G)
"Paris Photo" Galerie Vu, Grand Palais, Paris (巴黎), France (法国) (G)
"unseen" Galerie VU, Amsterdam (阿姆斯特丹), Holland (荷兰) (G)
World Images 4, Helmhaus,Zurich (苏黎世), Switzerland (瑞士) (G)
Talent 2011, Foam, Amsterdam (阿姆斯特丹), Holland (荷兰) (G)
Albert Steiner Erben, museumd’Art, Chur (库尔), Switzerland (瑞士) (G)
Swiss Photo Award, ewzselection, Zurich (苏黎世) ( G)
Wenn das Wetter nicht mehr kaputt ist..., Galerie Walter Keller, Zurich (苏黎世), Switzerland (瑞士) (S)
Waiting out the Rain, The Post Family Gallery, Chicago (芝加哥), USA (美国) (S)
Visionaris 09, Fundacio Pilar i Joan Miro, Palma de Majorque (G)
Aargauer Auswahl 09, Aargauer Kunsthaus, Aarau (阿劳), Switzerland (瑞士) (G)
Goldrausch art IT, Artforum, Berlin (柏林), Germany (德国) (G)
Von jetzt bis dann, Kunstraum Bethanien, Berlin (柏林), Germany (德国) (G)
Awards and grants
2015 Grant, Cantonof Grison, Switzerland (瑞士)
2015 Annemarie Schindler Grant, Glarus, Switzerland (瑞士)
2014 Art Award, Sud-ost Media, Museum d’art Chur, Switzerland (瑞士)
Aspiringartistgrant, Pro Helvetia, Switzerland (瑞士)
2012 Grant, Aargauer Kuratorium, Switzerland (瑞士)
2011 TALENT, foam, Amsterdam (阿姆斯特丹), Holland (荷兰)
2009 Grant, Aargauer Kuratorium, Switzerland (瑞士)
2008 Swiss Photographerofthe Year Award, Switzerland (瑞士)
Goldrausch Grant, Berlin (柏林), Germany (德国)
2006 Finalist ITS #5 International Talent Support, Triest, Italy (意大利)
2015 Gletscherfahrt, collaborationwith Stephan Eicher, b. frank books
Abstracts, A.M. projects, ADAD books
2012 Cudesch da visitas, b. frank books
seenby David Lynch for Paris Photo, Steidl publishing
2012 Nocuturnes, A.M. projects, dieNachtpublishing
2011 Es gibt nicht mehr Sonne, artistbook
CorvdallaRuinaulta, Howegartistbook
2009 Und in der Nähe die See, artistbook
2008 Wenn das Wetter nicht mehr kaputt ist, werden wir spazieren gehen,
Goldrausch-Künstlerinnenprojekt Art IT, Berlin