- 资质:
- 评分:
1分 2分 3分 4分 5分 6分 7分 8分 9分 10分 10分
- 印象:
- 经营时间:12年
- 展厅面积:400平米
- 地 区:上海-杨浦
- 展览时间:2015-03-01 - 2015-03-15
- 展览城市:上海-杨浦
- 展览地点:国顺东路800号西楼2层,有尔艺术空间
- 策 展 人:傅军
- 参展人员:
A collection of over 15 paintings, of which some are doubled with her photos of body painting performed on models, are displayed in the YOU ER ART GALLERY in Shanghai. The paintings "Body" are double works, one work is a painting on fake synthetic skin-like material, the other work is a photograph of the bodies on which she has painted the same patterns, as she considers the body the most intriguing canvas of all. Her other artworks are painted on different types of materials like lurex, velvet, silk and others. All represent ancient Asian subjects. The exhibit also includes a series of recycled clothes used by models during the opening performance of this show.
此次在上海有尔艺术空间展出的有近15件画作, 其中的一些作品是由她将同一个主题复制在人体模特身上后再摄影作品, 这些”人体”作品由两部分组成, 一半分是画,画在人造皮革上;另一半是摄影作品,即画在人体上后再摄影,两个部分使用相同的图案. 艺术家认为人体是最有趣的画布。 另外的一些作品有画在其它不同的材料上, 如:金银织物, 丝绒, 丝绸 等等, 全都以传统的亚洲符号为元素。 展品还包括由模特在展览开幕式时展示的由回收的旧衣服再创的时尚新衣。
Her project called "Recycle clothes, help our planet" is her idea and personal contribution towards fostering ecologic awareness and saving the enormous wastage we bear on the environment. She has carried out several performances in Italy with recycled garments on which she has painted, thus spreading her message as each one of us can find effective ways to respect and protect our planet.
她创造了项目 “回收旧衣-帮助我们的星球” , 是希望以自己的微薄之力宣传促进生态意识和减少我们对环境造成的巨大浪费。 在意大利她曾经举办过多次由回收服装再创时尚新衣的表演活动来传播她的信念, 即: 我们每个人都可以找到有效的尊重和保护我们星球的方法.
Qing Yue (清月) - born in Macau of an Italian father and a Chinese mother - has lived in Hong Kong, India, Italy and Shanghai and has widely exhibited her works in Italy, Austria, Germany, Egypt, Cyprus, Slovenia, Croatia, USA, China and other countries since 1999. Her works talk about her roots and her strong ties between China and Italy as she blends ancient Chinese symbols with contemporary Italian outlooks to create artworks and performances that are most original. One of her main targets in her work is the strive for harmony and wellbeing in a world that is triggered towards excessive competition and consumerism.
Qing Yue ( 清月) – 出生在澳门,有一个意大利父亲和一个中国母亲 – 曾经居住在香港, 印度, 意大利和上海, 自1999年起, 在意大利, 奥地利, 德国,埃及, 塞浦路斯, 斯洛文尼亚,美国,中国和其他一些地区举办过多次展览. 她的作品叙述着她的根和她所拥有的中国与意大利之间的强烈纽带, 她混合古老的中国符号与现代的意大利视角来创造独特新颖的艺术作品和表演. 她作品的主要目的之一是在过度竞争和过度消费的世界里力争和谐与幸福.
Her works are present in private and public collections in Italy and in Europe. She is the president of an Italian art association called "Art Projects Association" and organizes art events to enhance cultural exchange.
她的作品被意大利和欧洲的一些私人和公立机构收藏, 她本人是意大利艺术机构” Art Projects Association 艺术项目协会”的主席, 致力于艺术交流活动的组织和促进。
Hope the audience will have a different experience while enjoy the show.