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王怀庆 在艺搜查询

出生年份: 1944
籍    贯: 北京


王怀庆,1944年出生于北京,曾用名王怀。就读中央工艺美术学院,1969年获学士学位,1981年获硕士学位。1987-1988年美国OCU大学访问学者。现为北京画院一级画师、中国美术家协会会员、中国油画学会理事。展览:1980年同代人油画展,中国美术馆。1982年作品参加法国春季沙龙展。1987年中国当代油画展,纽约。1989年全国第七届美展,中国美术馆。1991年中国油画联展,中国国家博物馆。1993年中国美术馆藏画精品展,中国美术馆。1996年中国油画学会首展中国美术展,中国美术馆。1998年中国艺术5000年展,古根海姆博物馆,纽约;传统与回顾——当代中国艺术展,德国驻北京使馆。1999年王怀庆油画展,台北大未来画廊;中国美术馆馆藏展,中国美术馆;世纪之门,成都美术馆。2000年上海双年展,上海美术馆;二十世纪中国油画展,中国美术馆。2001年科学与艺术,中国美术馆。2003年开发的时代——中国美术馆建馆40周年展,中国美术馆;中国北京首届国际美术双年展,中国美术馆;第二届全国画院双年展,广东美术馆。2004年Marianne & Heinrich Lenhardt——Stiftung 夫妇收藏纸上作品展;德国Kaiserslautern Pfalzgalerie 美术馆。2005年王怀庆作品个展,香港;第二届北京国际美术双年展。

Born in Beijing. First Grade National Artist in Beijing Art Academy; Member of the China Artist’s Association; Director of China Oil Painting Association. From 1964 to 1969 Central Academy of Arts and Crafts, BFA; from 1979 to 1981 Central Acedemy of Arts and Crafts, MFA; from 1987 to 1988 Visiting Scholar OCU, USA. Selected Exhibition: in 1980 Same Generation Oil Painting Exhibition, China National Art Museum, Beijing. In 1987 Contemporary Oil Painting From the People’s Republic of China, Harkness House, New York. In 1989 7th National Art Exhibition, China National Art Museum, Beijing.in 1991 1st Annual Exhibition of Chinese Oil Painting, China National Museum, Beijing. In 1993 Exhibition of Selected Works from the Collection of National Art Museum, China National Art Museum, Beijing. In 1996 1st Chinese Oil Painting Society Group Exhibition, China National Art Museum. In 1998 China 5000Years, Guggenheim Museum, New York; The International Asia Art Fair, The Seventh Regiment Armory, New York; Tradition and Retrospection——Exhibition of Chinese Contemporary Art, German Embassy, Beijing. In 1999 Solo Show, Ling and Keng Gallery, Taipei; Asian Art Fair, New York; Exhibition of Beijing Art Academy, National Art Museum, Beijing; Solo Show, Leal Senado Temporary Exhibitions Gallery, Macao; Exhibition of the Collection of China National Art Museum, China National Art Museum, Beijing; Gate of the Century——Exhibition of Chinese Contemporary Art, Chengdu Art Museum, Chengdu. In 2000 Exhibition of the Collection of Shanghai Art Museum, Shanghai Art Museum, Shanghai; Exhibition of 21st Century Chinese Oil Painting, China National Art Museum; Connection of West and East——Exhibition of Contemporary Chinese Art, China National Art Museum; Shanghai Biennale, Shanghai Art Museum, Shanghai. In 2001 Science and Art, China National Art Museum; Shanghai Jingwen Art Center Show, Shanghai; From Realism to Abstraction, Ling and Keng Gallery, Taipei. In 2002 Gate of Master——Exhibition of Chinese Contemporary Art, China National Art Museum;Basel Art Fair, Switzerland. In 2003 3rd National Exhibition of Oil Painting, China National Art Museum; Master Show——From Design to Art, Shanghai; An Open Era——Celebration of 40th Anniversary of Founding of China National Museum of Fine Arts, China National Art Museum; The 1st Beijing International Art Biennale, China National Art Museum, Beijing; The 2nd Chinese Art Academies biennale Guangdong Art Museum, Guangzhou. In 2004 Marianne & Heinrich Lenhardt——Stiftung Collection, Kaiserslautenrn Pfalzgalerie, Germany. In 2005 The 2nd Beijing International Art Biennale, China National Museum; Solo Exhibition——Traces of Nature, co——hosted by Art Retreat, Singapore and Yan Gallery, Hong Kong. Honors: in 1984 Fisrt Award, Beijing Art Exhibition. In 1989 Bronze medal, The 7th National Art Exhibition. In 1991 Gold Medal, The 1st Annual Exhibition of Chinese Oil Painting. In 2003 Academic Award, The 2nd Chinese Art Academy’s Biennale.