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[氣息相連|中國意境] 傑裡.佩提索香港個人展


[氣息相連|中國意境] 傑裡.佩提索香港個人展

Breath Connection|Dreamland China

Thierry PERTUISOT  Hong Kong Solo Exhibition


展覽時間|Exhibition Duratione:

二零一八年一月廿四日至二月四日  24th Jan to 4th Feb, 2018

展覽地點|Exhibition Venue:

香港大學訪客中心畫廊Gallery, Visitor Centre of The University of Hong Kong (HKU)


法國國際美食協會 VIP 藝術導覽酒會| Chaine Des Rotisseurs  VIP Opening Reception:

仅限法国国际美食协会会员及受邀人士出席Chaine Member and Invitation Only

二零一八年一月廿三日下午四時至五時4:00-5:00PM, 23rd Jan, 2018

地點|Venue:香港麗思卡爾頓酒店 The Ritz-Carlton, Hong Kong


展覽開幕酒會及媒體導賞|Opening Reception& Media Tour:

二零一八年一月廿四日下午五時三十分5:30 PM, 24th  Jan, 2018

R.S.V.P. To Mrs Penny PENG, Director of Gallery Affairs,penny.peng@vagalleries.com

藝術家及嘉賓導賞|Artist& VIP  Reception:

二零一八年一月廿七日下午兩時至三時2:00-3:00 PM, 27th  Jan, 2018

R.S.V.P. To Mrs Penny PENG, Director of Gallery Affairs,penny.peng@vagalleries.com


藝術家|Artist: 傑裡.佩提索 Thierry PERTUISOT

策展人|Curator:鄧良軍  Vincent L.J. DENG

項目總監|Project Director:文雅  Sylvie WEN

畫廊總監|Galleries Director: 彭藝 Penny PENG


香港維岸畫廊 Hong Kong VA Galleries

法國國際美食協會香港分會Chaine Des Rotisseurs in Hong KONG


香港大學訪客中心Visitor Centre of The University of Hong Kong (HKU)

法國麗固LEGLE Porcelaine France








鄧良軍,香港維岸畫廊 主理人,今日美術館發展理事

Breath Connection |Dreamland China

Master Jianzhen’s eastward Journey to Japan and Master Xuanzang’s Journey to the West are two iconic events of evangelism in China. [West to East]program, on the other hand, is to record the conflict between western artists’ experiences in China and their artistic experience and values, engendering a work of contemporary art taking place in China.

The French artist Thierry PERTUISOT received comprehensive and systematic education of arts.He has confirmed their values by producing successful works and gaining fame as professional artists. Thierry started his journey to the east with his unique conceptions and expectations about China. Carrying the brush of classic western arts, he lived in China, and its cultural context. Clashes and resistance, approval and denial, confusion and faith, these are the elements that build up a brand-new China, as though in a dream.

His return to the west, then, provided him a chance to expose their understanding of China to the society where he has lived and prospered. He received all sorts of judgments, some for himself, some for China.

Vincent L.J. DENG, Managing Director of Hong Kong VA Galleries



Afin de symboliser au mieux un pont entre nos deux cultures, et de trouver les points communs qui peuvent motiver un nouveau projet pictural qui soit dans la continuité de la recherche que je développe en peinture, j'ai choisi de traiter deux thèmes qui m'ont semblé appropriés.

Le premier, en lien avec la question du paysage et plus particulièrement celui de la fleur, que je développe de façon récurante dans ma peinture depuis de nombreuse années.

Le second à travers le sujet de l'eau, en pensant à Claude Monet, ce si grand peintre Français, en référence à ses Nymphéas dont le thème rejoint celui du lotus et des poissons que l'on retrouve naturellement dans la tradition picturale Chinoise.

Il s'agit dans les deux cas de proposer un lien dynamique qui crée le trait d'union entre nos deux mondes pour n'en former naturellement qu'un. Nous savons qu'aujourd'hui que tout nous rapproche et que le mouvement ancestral du monde est plus que jamais à notre porté...

J'essaie d'exprimer une certaine idée de cela dans ma peinture, au delà du sujet, de ce qui est montré, pour rendre compte de l'énergie qui nous traverse et qui donne forme à la matière le temps d'une vie. La peinture est une expérience sensible à la porté de tous si on accepte de laisser la rêverie agir sur nous, ne rien projeter de ce qu'on croit connaître, et laisser sa place à l'imaginaire pour ouvrir les portes de l'inconnu.

Ma peinture doit être accessible, simple à regarder, et irrésolu à comprendre. Je n'ai pas d'autre message que la quête du beau et de l'harmonie.

Thierry Pertuisot, le 20 novembre 2017











In order to best symbolize a bridge between our two cultures, and to find common points that can motivate a new pictorial project that is in continuity with the research that I develop in painting, I chose to treat two themes that I have seemed appropriate.

The first, in connection with the question of landscape and more particularly that of the flower, which I develop recurrently in my painting for many years.

The second through the subject of water, thinking of Claude Monet, this great French painter, in reference to his Nympheas whose theme joins that of the lotus and fish found naturally in the Chinese pictorial tradition.

In both cases, it is a question of proposing a dynamic link that creates the link between our two worlds to naturally form one. We know that today everything is bringing us closer and that the ancestral movement of the world is more than ever our concern ...

I try to express a certain idea of ​​this in my painting, beyond the subject, of what is shown, to account for the energy that passes through us and that gives shape to matter the time of a life. Painting is an experience sensitive to the scope of all if we agree to let the reverie act on us, do not project anything that we think we know, and leave his place to the imagination to open the doors of the unknown.

My painting must be accessible, simple to look at, and irresolute to understand. I have no other message than the quest for beauty and harmony.

Thierry Pertuisot, November 20, 2017