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[詩意中國|瑞士夢境]安東尼奧.威利重慶個展Antonio Wehrli 2017 Chongqing Solo Exhibition 

展覽時間|Exhibition Time:30th July to 30th Aug., 2017

VIP 藝術導覽酒會|VIP Opening Reception 7:00 PM, 29th July, 2017

 展覽地點|Exhibition Venue:

重慶市渝北區財富購物中心一樓 維岸畫廊

VA Gallery,  1/F, Chongqing Fortune Mall, Chongqing


香港維岸畫廊 Hong Kong VA Galleries

莫那生活畫館 The MONA Studio



鑒真東渡與玄奘西遊,是兩個非常標籤化的中國傳道與取經故事,東渡傳道和西遊取經;東渡西歸,則是 以西方藝術家在中國的見聞創作,與自身價值體系的藝術經驗和理論基礎的碰撞,得到的一個在中國發生 的當代藝術。  

來自瑞士的知名藝術家安東尼奧.威利,在接受本國系統健全的藝術教育體系的培訓,同時 以自我創作進行價值論證,進而得到社會及專業領域的認可,成為小有名氣的職業藝術家,基於對中國的 無限想像和憧憬,來到中國,開始了他的東渡之旅。他們拿著西方經典藝術的畫筆,身處在中國當代藝 術家每天面臨的中國語境,碰撞與抗爭、認同與否定、不解與篤定構成了一個全新的夢境中國。  

西歸則是更好的一個機會,把這些純真地道的西方藝術家對中國的認識和理解,放在他們多少年前一直生 長共榮的社會,去接受那些全新的評價,一部分給他們,另一部分給中國。


香港維岸畫廊 主理人 鄧良軍

West to East | Dreamland China

Master Jianzhen’s eastward Journey to Japan and Master Xuanzang’s Journey to the West are two iconic events of evangelism in China. [West to East] program, on the other hand, is to record the conflict between western artists’ experiences in China and their artistic experience and values, engendering a work of contemporary art taking place in China.

The Swiss Artist Antonio Wehrli receive comprehensive and systematic education of arts. Antonio has confirmed his value by producing successful works and gaining fame as professional artist. He started the journey to the east with his unique conceptions and expectations about China. Carrying the brush of classic western arts, they lived in China, and its cultural context. Clashes and resistance, approval and denial, confusion and faith, these are the elements that build up a brand-new China, as though in a dream.

Their return to the west, then, provided them a chance to expose their understanding of China to the society where they have lived and prospered. They received all sorts of judgments, some for them, others for China.


By Vincent L.J. DENG, Managing Dircetor of Hong Kong VA Gallery


更多諮詢| For More Details:

Email:VA@hkvince.com   Wechat:HONGKONGVA

+86 23 8121 9566(Chongqing)   +852  5530 1088(Hong Kong)   

Add:5/F., Hong Kong Trade Centre,161-167 Des Voeux Road Central, Hong Kong. 

Add: VA Gallery CKG, 1/F, Chongqing Fortune Mall, Yubei District, Chongqing.