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此次参展艺术家均毕业于伦敦大学学院(UCL)的斯莱德美术学院 (Slade School of Fine Art)。斯莱德美术学院拥有世界一流的学术声誉,教学强调当代艺术的实践与历史、理论相结合,强调实验性和研究性以及艺术家的个性。在展览中,观众将会看到四位年轻艺术家对自身文化经验的思考与斯莱德美术学院实验语言体系的碰撞、融合,并初步呈现其各自的独特面貌。他们的作品有共性也有个性,其共性和个性在某种意义上又具有一致性,也与近些年留学欧美的其他艺术家有着不可避免的共通处。这也是此次展览试图讨论的内容所在。


—Four Young Artists from The Slade School of Fine Art

Migrant Bird Space Beijing is happy to announce a new group show titled “Becoming… – Four Young Artists from The Slade School of Fine Art.” The exhibition period is from March 23 to April 23, 2019. The participating artists include Jiani Fu, Jing Ma, Sophie Zhang, and Yi Zhang. The exhibition is curated by independent curator Yanguo Xia.

The participating artists all graduated from the UCL Slade School of Fine Art, which is the art school of University College London and is based in London, United Kingdom. The Slade School of Fine Art is one of the world’s leading institutions in fine art with an excellent academic reputation. Its teaching focuses on the combination of artistic practice and art history/theory, emphasizing experiment and research, as well as the expression of artistic personality. In the exhibition, the four young artists will show their reflection on their unique cultural experiences, and the interplay between these experiences and the experimental artistic discourse of the Slade School of Fine Art. In the group show, each artist also takes their first and the most significant step towards “becoming” an artist of his/her own unique characteristics, hence the title of the show “Becoming…” Their works demonstrate both commonality and individuality. The fusion of both speaks to a sense of coherence among young artists who studied abroad in Europe and America in recent years, which is also part of what the exhibition attempts to put forth as a discussion.