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Painting is very private, very intimate in Ruohan Wang's approach. In her concept free thinking is carrier and base. Every one of her creations is individual. In her opinion, visualising her thoughts through the medium of painting is helping her making herself aware and see her own mental state. „Painting“ according to her is only a process after all, an opportunity, a medium to connect A and B and mediate between them. Through this process, emotions such as joy, the feeling of freedom, pain and struggling, etc. can be experienced by other people. To achieve this goal one does not necessarily have to use the method of painting, there are other comparably functioning ways to create. One should however find a medium or several media to discover oneself and create a map of one's own mental landscape. When someone has found the appropriate process, you can speak of creating art. According to Ruohan Wang, a painterly creation contains a function of conservation in addition to its connective impact. In other words the painted creation lets her look back on how the process of mental development of her intuitive inner world has proceeded.


To Ruohan Wang, painting does not serve a communicative role. She carries out the act of painting and the artistic process solely for herself. Nevertheless she is readily willing to show us her freely created works of art. In doing so, she hopes to sensitise our own perception with the help of her artistic creations; that we can be inspired borderlessly by her careful awareness of her environment which she has sensitively and artistically brought before our eyes through the medium of graphic art.