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天外天-陈佩玲个展 Beyond: Peggy Chan





Lucie Chang Fine Arts 隆重呈献「天外天-陈佩玲个展」,展出陈佩玲混合媒介蓝晒作品。





地址:Lucie Chang Fine Arts, 上环东街50号A地下





Beyond: Peggy Chan Solo Exhibition


Lucie Chang Fine Arts is pleased to present the solo exhibition, ‘Beyond: Peggy Chan’, cyanotype and mixed media artworks by Peggy Chan.

The Chinese saying of ‘There are skies above skies, and mountains beyond mountains’ is a statement of modesty as it is of lament, proclaiming the vastness of the universe and all its possibilities that our limited minds cannot truly understand. Peggy Chan’s cyanotype creations capture sunlight and chase after the time. Using the sun and time as its latitude and longitude, her work chronicles an age of rapid changes that is speeding by on the highway of city life. All works are set on a circular canvas, the exhibits are set against a natural landscape dotted with the figurative elements of clouds, stars, small creatures and cities to create the whimsical world of the artist’s imagination.

Named for its rich cyan-blue hue, cyanotype is a photographic printing process invented in the 19th century whereby cyanotype sensitized paper is exposed to sunlight. The variables of material, sunlight intensity, temperature and humidity, length of exposure all combine to affect the finished result. The artist has no complete control of the resulting impression and it’s all about waiting with patience. The uncertain nature of creative process gives the artist a breathing space within the overcrowded city. Boundless like ‘skies above skies’, the ever-changing cityscapes are a transcendental force beyond human control and prediction. ‘Beyond’ is the artist’s invitation to tune in and contemplate daily wonders around us.


Exhibition Details:

Address: Lucie Chang Fine Arts, G/F, 50A, Tung Street, Shenug Wan

Exhibition period: 10 March – 30 April, 2015

Vernissage: 6 p.m, 10 March, 2015

Enquiry: info@luciechangfinearts.com