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CURATOR:Yicheng Zhang









艺术家谷仁明、邓悦君、金亚楠、陈琳、周易非、周健、黄晨、朱泓彦、朱屹立、李舜、王志频、王辉、兰友利、武妍希、度度、郑晶、涂俨耕、倪越慧、李斯一、南渊涵、丁澂、李璐、Francisco Hauss、Matt Gartry、Andrew Stooke、Eugene Westerland


OPENING  RECEPTION2nd April,2016,18:00-21:00

DURATION2nd April-2nd May,2016, 10:00-18:00

EXHIBITION VENUE HALF A PICTURE GALLERY / LinQing Road 188 building C3-4F, Yangpu District,Shanghai.(Close to Metro Line 12)

ARTISTS:  Renming Gu,Yuejun Deng,Yanan Jin,Lin Chen,Yifei Zhou,Jian Zhou,Chen Huang,Hongyan Zhu,Yili Zhu,Shun Li,Zhipin Wang,Hui Wang,Youli Lan,Yanxi Wu,Waverly,Jing Zheng,Yangen Xu,Yuehui Ni,Siyi Li,Yuanhan Nan,Cheng Ding,Lu Li,Francisco Hauss,Matt Gartry,Andrew Stooke,Eugene Westerland









For almost five hundred years the central goal of European painting was the imitation of nature. Many artists and theorists, believing that imitation must be based on scientific principles, found inspiration or guidance in two branches of optics——the geometrical science of perspective and the physical science of colour. While the essence of nature that once they tried to mimic would  be the things that depict sky and earth, the mortals and gods, as well as what’s called “φύσις” in ancient Greece. It is the metaphor of artistic form, gathering and becoming. The sky suggests humans’ situation as part of the horizon. The tolling of the bell brings them, as mortals, before the godly. The utensils bind mortals to the earth. In the composition of the fourfold, there is an evident pairing that serves to indicate a certain nonsymmetry among four moments. There is the one pair of earth and sky that bound the space of nature, in which virtually all that concerns humans comes to pass. But then, there is the other pair——if indeed it be a pair: the mortals and the godly are the source of the endless dialogue between the human as being-in-the-world and its opposed mirror image——immortal.

Springing up or subverting off, revealed by the sky or sheltered in the earth, what poetry calls forth, what its saying power evokes, is the twofold of world and things. We hear the resonances in the naming of the between of world and things, thus called gather to themselves the fourfold, whose naming as intimacy yet also as difference. Then, finally, with Heidegger’s declaration that “Language speaks as the tolling of stillness”, we might hear also how the call calls each that is world and things to rest, to repose, in the each other. Forging ahead or drawing back, breaking apart or reacting against, both balance and strength trace the path of creation, as the resonances that sound in the twofold ontology. The Gothic flying buttress summons the harmonious rationality of renaissance, the Baroque sensitive innervation summons the stabilize structure of Poussinism, the impressionism colour discovering summons the constructionism of Cézanne, the flourishing play of formation summons Duchamp’s effacing the called as “high” art, which began to develop in the eighteenth century.

Synthetic or extending——most artists today are interested in dealing with the world at large through their embodied artistic, social and discursive practices, including material or immaterial, including sculptures, installations, paintings, performances, films and videos, transversal systems of engagement, or even symbolic and meaningful forms of life and research. It is an era that the opposite of human world is in the transition of vanishing,and that the world becoming itself through our instant communication, presentation, researching which we cannot just regard as the objects. Thus harnessing artistic practice through a system of signs and display, and within a specific genealogy and history of art no longer reaches the consciousness of contemporary. “Contemporary”represents or embody a contemporary (“with time”)moment in the development of a human society, which primarily emerged in the mid-twentieth century after the drama of World War Ⅱ. It was the heyday of phenomenology and Existentialism. Growing out of the European Avant-Garde idea of a radical,revolutionary abolition of the divide between art and life in the “here and now” of experience. This approach described by Peter Buerger in his Theory of the Avant-Garde comes from and arises a society of makers (at the dawn of industrialization and the market economy) and at the same time, a society of thinkers who needed to develop the sphere of ‘reflection’ as a counterpoint to producing.

On this point, modern civilization differs from any other ancients by reflecting any experience,emotion or faith using the theoretical reason, as well as realizing the synthesis of consciousness and abstract thinking. The arts is able to stand on the border where the human fields of study and knowledge are historically determined, and provide the possibility of reflection. We have chemistry and quantum mechanics, studying entanglement instead of alchemy of ancient time. Anthropology and sociology were not around in the Middle Ages. While in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, medicine and psychology separated the study of brain and mind, today neuroscience merges anatomy, physiology, psychiatry, digital MRI, and psychological testing. Today, we might even be inclined to move in the opposite direction and do away with the split between human and non-human,giving equal treatment to the different levels of civilization. As more and more biological research is done on a molecular, sub-molecular, and even sub-atomic level, we see how all materials and sentient beings interact. Further more,  the broad division and classification of species and sub-species abdicates and gives way to studying endosymbiotic evolutionary processes across species, across the mind/body, nature/culture, and even the plant/animal divide.

In summary, the artworks under the definition of contemporary will certainly exist within the twofold of material and immaterial, concept and substance, symbol and reality, including  the linkage and balancing of cosmopolitical interacting, cobbled-together human and non-human agents, and a worldly energy alliance.

Already in Kants discourse on aesthetic ideas, one finds that imagination is the common root from which intuition and thought stem and by which they are gathered into the connectedness requisite for the possibility of experience, born beyond both word and concept,wandering away into still unexperienced realms, as when things are exposed to the elements, as in the howling fury of a storm. In this case, then, imagination would engage not only the tolling of stillness but also the roar of the tempest.