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生于现代的城市人,在物质生活侵蚀精神生活的环境中,田旭桐能独善其身,追寻至纯至真的生活体验,让丰富的精神生活滋养孕育他的禅画,实在是当代中国的一瓢文化静水。田氏的水墨画经长期的探索锻炼,技法精巧,行笔畅快,用墨浓淡有致,构图简炼,造形概括,神韵静穆,盈发着淡素的气质。他同时也受现代生活与美学的影响,自然地运用抽象的点线视觉元素,以幽默而略带谐趣的创作手法,令作品蕴含时代气息。田氏的禅画常以小和尚为主角,也许就是田旭桐自己的化身。在他身上,我们可以感染灵巧纯洁的生趣,文静素洁的慧心。 这种禅画可谓真趣盎然! ---国际著名香港设计师及画家 靳棣强     The modern city-dwellers of today live in a materialistic world, which is constantly encroaching one’s state of mind. Tian Xu Tong is able to uphold his own integrity pursuing a pure and true life, and enriching his Zen paintings with his own life experiences. This is indeed a source of cultural phenomenon in modern China. Tian brings out his own individualistic style onto his work and due to his lengthy exploration and practice in ink-painting; he has created a certain unique painting technique with smooth strokes, able to adeptly move the brush to produce exquisite lines or curves of varying thickness. His invigorating strokes contain white elements as well, making them look swift and full of vitality. He uses only simple strokes to create works of purity with distinct layers. The objects he draws are extremely minimal, and they are drawn not from sight but from his personal interpretation based on his feelings; with the images looking abstract, they look tranquil and radiate an elegant disposition. Being influenced by modern society and trained in modern art, Tian is able to combine traditional Chinese ink-painting arrangement of space with the dots and lines used in contemporary visual art. He often infuses a sense of humour and wit and wit into his work, giving them a sense of modernity. This type of Zen painting is indeed interesting! ---Professor Kan Tai Keung Dean of Cheung Kong Institute of Arts and Design Shantou University China Hong Kong Designer and Artist