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Study on Spatiotemporal Transformation of Memories
- Focusing on my Work, Cube Series -

Kim, Bo Yeon
Major in Painting
Graduate School of Fine Arts
Hongik University
Advisor; Prof. Lee, Sang Hyo

Memories constantly make changes on my notions, combined with new experiences. It also enables imagination for potential future through an opportunity. When these mental effects are realized on works by penetrating the time, numerous fragments are displayed as image in a cube. In other words, images record and expand memories and draw the life in the past from a layer in consciousness and demonstrate in the symbolized cube.
The working process of piling up or pulling down cubes is to visualize images on which the landscape feels like a wall. It is to seek cracks in screen through reality seen from a perspective in some distance and with a desire to expand unconscious landscape. Storing memories this way, it pulls down notions in realistic landscape as if they were a wall and restructures images contained in cubes at the same time. Strange space in memories comes to feel familiar in that way.
This space is harmonized with cracks which are left open to the time flowing and is expanded as new consciousness in the process to recall memories in the past which can easily disappear.
Through the very process, it presents probability to find actual time. My work, therefore, is to visualize theoretical time and space as a symbolic meaning.
My work naturally created through this procedure is the world of imagination where knowledge and memories made from the past is to be brought out and 'returned to the eternal present.' In addition, my work feels like freshness in travel or somewhat strange by breaking away from the world of limited time and space but it still displays the world of imagination where landscapes feeling strange and, at the same time, familiar are restructured. These restructured landscapes track secrets in which their differences are hidden in 'chaos neither with start nor end.' My screen expanded through the process of cubes being created and disappearing is the place of communication for penetrating the past, present and future.
As a result from analyzing my work which studies the meaning of time and space, divides images and visualizes memories, visual experiences existing in the world are light in my life and they are consumed as present energy for going forward. I will create fresher works through this creative transformation with mind wide open to tomorrow.