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铃木悠哉 在艺搜查询

Yuya Suzuki
出生年份: 1983
籍    贯: 国外-日本



1983 born in Fukushima, Japan, lives and works in Sapporo, Japan


2003 - 2007 Nihon University Collage of Art (B.A) / Japan 日本大学艺术学部美术学毕业


主要个展 Selected solo exhibitions

2018 archegraph study_Tainan, Absolute space for the Arts, Tainan / Taiwan 台南原图学,绝对空间,台湾台南

2017 Remaking Ghosts, Soulangh cultural park, Tainan / Taiwan 重制幽灵,萧珑文化园区,台湾台南

2017 archegraph study_Seoul, salon cojica, Sapporo / Japan 首尔原图学,salon cojica,日本札幌

2016 walk and cultivation, CAI02,saloncojica, Sapporo / Japan 耕作与步行,CAl02, salon cojica,日本札幌

2013 out of the music, CAI02, Sapporo / Japan 源自音乐CAl02, 日本札幌

2012 garden and half of there, world, and something, CAI02, Sapporo / Japan花园和那里的一半,世界,还有什么,CAl02, 日本札幌


主要群展 Selected group exhibitions

2017 Sapporo international Art festival 2017 – guest house project, Sapporo / Japan 札幌国际艺术节-宾馆项目,日本札幌

2017 Nanji 11th Season 1 Group Exhibition, SeMA Nanji Residency, Seoul / Korea 兰芝岛11届第一季度群展,首尔艺术博物馆驻地项目,韩国首尔

2016 Sapporo Art Stage 2016, Sapporo Station Underground Passage CHI KA HO / Japan札幌艺博会,札幌站地下步行空间CHI KA HO,日本札幌

2016 Think Tank Lab Triennale open call exhibition Gappert’s Apartment Gallery, Wrocław / Poland 智囊团实验室三年展,波兰弗罗茨瓦夫

2014 Becoming Undone, Kleiner salon, Berlin / Germany成为未完成的Kleiner Salon, 德国柏林

2013 Jeune creation 2013, 104 Centquatre, Paris / France法国巴黎

2012 The last one before the break, Duende Studio, Rotterdam / Netherlands荷兰鹿特丹

2012 Adventure of the Everyday, Sapporo Odori 500-m underground walk way gallery, Sapporo / Japan日常的冒险,札幌奥多里画廊,日本札幌


Grants and Awards 津贴和奖项

2016 Sapporo Station JR Tower Art Box / Japan 日本札幌站JR塔

2015 Nomura Foundation Art and Cultural Grant / Japan 日本野村财团艺术文化奖

2013 Art Osaka, Grand Prize / Japan日本大阪艺术节大奖


Residency programs 驻地项⽬目

2018 Migrant Bird Space Beijing, 候鸟空间(北京)

2017 Soulangh Artist Village, Tainan / Taiwan萧珑国际艺术村,台湾台南

2017 SeMA NANJI Residency, Seoul / Korea首尔艺术博物馆驻地项目,韩国首尔

2016 MAT NAGOYA studio project vol.03, Nagoya / JapanMAT名古屋工作室项目vol.03,日本名古屋

2015 Sapporo Tenjinyama Art Studio, Sapporo / Japan 札幌天神山艺术工作室,日本札幌

2014 GlogauAIR, Berlin / Germany GlogauAIR,德国柏林

2014 SIM Residency, Reykjavik / IcelandSIM Residency冰岛雷克雅维克

2012 Duende Studio, Rotterdam / NetherlandsDuende Studio荷兰鹿特丹


Workshops ⼯工作坊

2018 Video workshop, Absolute space for the Arts, Tainan / Taiwan 视频工作坊,绝对空间,台湾台南

2017 Video workshop, Soulangh cultural park, Tainan / Taiwan视频工作坊,萧珑文化园区,台湾台南

2011 Drawing and video workshop, Saeed Ensafi studio, Tehran / Iran 绘画和视频工作坊Saeed Ensafi studio, 伊朗德黑兰


Publication 出版作品

2017 SeMA NANJI Residency 11th catalogue, Seoul Museum of Art, 305 page, EN/KR, ISBN 979-11-88619-12-2

2017 archegraph study, salon cojica, CAI02, 92 page, EN/JP